Before this course, whenever we did peer-review in class, my edits, comments, etc. were all just local revision based. I would fix any spelling and grammar errors that I found all throughout my peer’s work. I was always too afraid to change something in their paper or suggest a change I their paper, I didn’t want them to get upset with me. However, after taking this course and practicing peer review time after time after time, I now know how to properly and correctly review a peer’s work. I still do a lot of local revisions fro them. But now, I also do a lot of global revision edits and comments as well as local revision edits and comments. I know how to suggest change into a peer’s work in a way that isn’t demanding or rude, it is subtle and suggestive, “just an idea :)”.

I actually enjoy peer review because this allows me to see another perspective on my paper that I wouldn’t have thought of before. Every peer review work we did in this class was a success and was very helpful when revising my papers. I actually include my peer review edits and comments into my revision process.

Example of peer review that I did on my peer’s, Olivia Clark’s, work: