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EDU382 Final Assignment

Standard 2(a)- Learning Differences: Designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each student’s diverse learning strengths and needs and creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways.

Artifact From the Semester: In Class Midterm Essay: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bJEP9hOG_yGVVVMztayrlZB5oms9z2up88hZ8_czwzU/edit?usp=sharing 


For our midterm assignment, instead of having an exam, we had to write an in class essay. We were given a list of different students who had different learning differences. We had to chose two students and answer multiple of 7 different questions. The questions were not included in the linked artifact, so I will include them here: 1) How could you motivate/engage this student to be interested in your unit? 2) What changes to your instruction would you make to accommodate this student’s needs? 3) What changes to assessment would you make to accommodate this student’s needs? 4)What changes to the text would you make to accommodate this student’s needs? How will you make this student feel successful? How can you create/build a positive identity for this student as a reader and writer through this unit? How can you collaborate with others to support this student? 

Demonstration of learning:

This assignment was all about knowing how to differentiate for individual students. Not all of our students learn the same way or at the same speed. It may require one student a certain set of tools and strategies to be able to be successful during a lesson while another student has to use a whole different set of tools and strategies. It’s important to be able to go through scenarios of possible student situations and be able to know how you would differentiate anything in your classroom to help them be successful. 

Standard 4(g)- Content Knowledge: Uses supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure accessibility and relevance to all learners. 

Artifact From the Semester: Content Area Book Resource Guide



The purpose of this assignment was to be able to pick a specific topic that is related to the content area you are going to teach, and create a resource guide that has a variety of different kinds of resources so that all learners have a chance to learn in the way they do best. We were required to have 4-6 different resources that ranged between 3-5 different categories. We also had to provide a brief description of the resource and the text readability. 

Demonstration of learning:

We also had to do a reflection at the end of the assignment, so this is very similar to that. I found this assignment interesting because it helped me understand how different categories of resources can help different students with different learning needs understand different aspects of the same topic. Doing this type of resource guide would be helpful to me as a teacher when I am creating a unit or lesson, I could create separate resource guides for units and lessons to help keep my resources organized.

Poems In Progress







Paterniti Response

This reading material was a bit confusing to me. I think it will take a little bit more reading and a lot of discussion for me to fully understand this text. In short, it is a complicated story that takes you through the lives of different people living in America. It really digs in deep about the differences between personalities, beliefs, lifestyles, and races. I think one of the main arguments the author is trying to make in this text is the presence of racism in America today. “Everything is a circus. Your little kids are afraid of black people in the streets, come home from school shaking, don’t wanna go back. Scare you, too. Ask neighbor, Are they humans or animals? Neither, he says. Just niggers. Nigger- what does that mean?” (Paterniti.) This is a vague example, but I think it does the job well enough. It shows the racist language and racist slurs used. I think he uses these languages to make a point, to make his argument about the presence of racism in America.

I believe another argument the author is trying to make is about what “America” really means and how there is no specific description for an American. “First, an American looks Laotian as much as an American looks Irish or Rwandan or wears a turban or won’t eat Kansan hog for religious reasons or is quadriplegic.” (Paterniti.) This is a good example of how America doesn’t mean just one thing. America is supposed to be a land of all types of races, personalities, languages, cultures, people, etc. But a lot of people have had this view of America being strictly “white” and English and AMERICAN for too long now. I believe that this kind of thinking results in racist behavior.

I think another point the author is trying to make is that hate comes from hate. Earlier in the story, when it is following Jack’s lifestyle, he recognizes the hate around him and from him. “Maybe the difference between you and a real man like Jack Hooker is that he will tell you what he hates; he will honor his hate and unleash it and understand that his hate will come back on him, understand that he, too, is hated. For a real man like Jack Hooker realizes that he hates and is hated.” Throughout the story, Jack shows his hate for the owner of the motel next to his. She is a woman of Laotian descent, who was given the name Donna. As the story goes on and the hate (not just from Jack, but from many others as well) shines through on Donna, she begins to feel and recognize her hate. ” She begins to hate , because now she really knows she is hated.” (Paterniti.) I believe that this shows that aired creates a chain reaction of hate. Hate leads to hate in a sort of cycle and that is what may be going on in America today.

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